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Unlock Your Future with a New Way of Learning

MyEdu is an ENGLISH online learning platform that fulfills your desire to learn

with ENGLISH live lessons and a 24/7 accessible ENGLISH virtual school.

MyEdu Subscription

ENGLISH Live Lessons

  1. Connect in real-time: Engage in deep learning experiences by exchanging ideas with teachers and peers worldwide via Butter.

  2. Camera on or off participation OK!: Learn at your own pace without feeling pressured.

  3. Hassle-free reservations: Book lessons at your convenience, fitting your schedule.

  4. Diverse subjects: English, math, programming, art, and more! Take any subject that interests you, as many times as you like.

24/7 ENGLISH Virtual School

  1. Learn anytime, anywhere: Access our virtual school 24/7 and learn your favorite subjects at your own pace.

  2. Connect with students globally: Interact with students from around the world in Zep's virtual space and develop a global perspective.

  3. Learn with fun avatars: Navigate the virtual school and interact with others using your personalized avatar.

  4. Diverse learning content: Enjoy quizzes, avatar conversations, and various interactive methods to make learning fun and engaging.


Exclusive MyEdu Support

Learning advisors

Consult with our expert advisors twice a month for any learning challenges. Easily connect with them via Zoom.

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Eiken Net discount

MyEdu students get access to Eiken Net for only 550 yen! No need for a year-long contract; use it for focused periods like the two months before your Eiken test.


One-on-One Lesson

MyEdu course can take advantage of one-on-one lessons for just 500 yen!

Are you unsure if you've truly grasped the material covered in live lessons and on the virtual campus? In MyEdu's private lessons, you can ask questions directly to the teacher and have your understanding checked, eliminating any anxieties and allowing you to move forward with confidence.


Unlock Your Future with MyEdu!

MyEdu supports your learning journey with cutting-edge technology, passionate teachers, and comprehensive support.

See Our Courses!

  • アドバイザーAdvisor

    我が子をバイリンガルに育て上げた親が、その経験を活かしてあなたのお子様の英語力向上をサポートします! グローバル社会で活躍する未来を育む、親身な個別指導で、お子様の目標達成を全力で応援Bilingual parents help your child achieve English fluency! Personalized guidance for future global success.
    Free Plan
    • 15分 無料(月2回まで)15 minutes free (up to twice a month)
    • ZoomオンラインZoom online meetings
    • 学習状況が分からないI'm unclear about my child's progress in schoo
    • 年齢に合った教材が見つからないI can't find age-appropriate materials
    • 子どもの学習意欲をどう維持するかKeeping kids engaged in learning
    • 学校と英語学習のバランス調整Balancing school and English studies
    • 英会話能力の向上方法Ways to improve your English conversation skills
  • MyEdu 月額無制限Unlimited monthly accesss

    Every month
    提供科目は英語やSTEM、コーディングの基礎などのバリエーションがあります。英語で関心のあるトピックや得意なことを深めようWe offer various subjects, including English, STEM, and coding. Explore your interests and strengths with us!
     7 day free trial
    • 7日間無料体験レッスン7-day free trial lesson
    • Butterで受講Take a class with Butter
    • 好きな科目を受け放題(予約制)Enjoy unlimited access
    • ネイティブ講師Native speaker
    • ペアスピーキング: 対話練習Partner speaking practice
    • 全技能カバー: 読む.書く.話す.聞くDeveloping all four skills
    • バーチャルスクール24時間オープンVirtual school open 24/7
  • 25分プライベートレッスン*25-minute private lesson

    英語が母国語ではない生徒に教えることができる資格を持った多国籍の講師が担当します。苦手な科目の克服や試験対策にも適な教科を克服するのに最適*Our instructors are qualified to teach English to non-native speakers and help students overcome challenges and prepare for exams.
    Valid for one month
    • 無料体験なしFree trial not offered
    • Zoomオンラインで受講Join the course online through Zoom
    • 苦手な科目や試験対策ができるGet help with your weaker subjects
    • 経験豊富な多国籍講師Diverse, experienced teachers
    • 全技能カバー: 読む.書く.話す.聞くCovers all English skills
    • 宿題サポートHomework support provided.
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